Tree Glossary
NOTE: Words in italics have their own entry in this glossary.
- Alternate Branching
- In trees with alternate branching, side branches and leaves do not grow directly across from each other. Trees will either have alternate branching or opposite branching.
- Broad Leaf
- Broad leaf trees have leaves (that is, normal flat blades) rather than needles. Trees are either broad leaf or coniferous.
- Compound Leaves
- A compound leaf is a single leaf with multiple leaflets, where leaflets are smaller parts of leaves that often resemble leaves themselves. The leaflets all attach to a single leaf stem, which in turn, attaches to the twig. The leaf begins where the stem joins the twig. Leaves are either compound or simple.
- Coniferous
- Coniferous trees, or conifers, have needles or scale-like leaves and bear cones. Trees are either coniferous or broad leaf.
- Deciduous Tree
- The leaves of deciduous trees fall off during the fall and grow back in the spring. Trees are either deciduous or evergreen.
- Evergreen Tree
- Evergreen trees keep their leaves all year long. Trees are either evergreen or deciduous.
- Leaf Scar
- A leaf scar is the mark left on a twig or branch when a leaf from a deciduous tree falls off.
- Lobes
- Lobes are like fingers on a leaf that make a leaf irregular shaped.
- Opposite Branching
- In trees with opposite branching, side branches and leaves grow directly across from each other. Trees will either have opposite branching or alternate branching.
- Simple Leaves
- In a simple leaf, the leaf stem continues into the leaf blade and becomes the main vein of the leaf. Leaves are either simple or compound.